If you have a home that isn’t as energy efficient as you’d like, you may be wondering about insulation benefits in Lehi — what can additional insulation do for an existing home? The answer to this question lies in a few factors: when your home was built, how much insulation you already have in the attic, and whether you are feeling drafts anywhere.

Insulation Benefits in Lehi

Insulation benefits in Lehi are good for existing homes as well as for new construction. If your home was built in or before the 1950’s, there’s a good chance you don’t have any insulation in the walls—or very little. Most homes relied on heavy materials in the walls themselves to keep out the heat and cold, so you have the option to drill holes in the exterior walls and blow in insulation to keep your heating and cooling costs down.

You also want to check the attic, and this is true regardless of when your home was built. Building codes require a certain amount of insulation depending on the size of the home and where it is built. Most newer homes have around an R38 in the attic, and many older homes have far less, if any. Questar’s rebates are for getting that amount up to around an R60 because so much heat is lost through the attic space. Unlike insulating walls, insulating attics is fairly simple and not very expensive for the return on investment: your heating and cooling bills tend to show improvement immediately.

The final check to make has to do with floors. If you have a crawl space under your home that was never insulated, you likely have cold floors or drafts along the baseboards. If you have an unfinished basement, you might have similar issues. Insulation can help a lot with this problem. Draping under your floors or along the walls of an unfinished basement can significantly improve the feeling on bare feet in the winter.

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